Midnight's Cottage banner


I've (rather recently) started playing Pokefarm! I'm MoonNinetales.

Current Rank:

Grandmaster banner with a Guild Wigglytuff with an red apple

Rank E+

Here are some of my favorite babies!

Shiny Umbreon Umbreon Albino Puppod named Creme Puff Shiny Puppod named Goopy Albino Aurorus named Fairylight Shiny Aurorus named Snowstar Ninetales Alolan Ninetales Albino Ninetales named Ghostlight Albino Delphox Shiny Gardevoir named Deana Frosslass Snoralts Snolia Frosvoir Mewtwo Aromakrow Female Croissaint Meowstic Male Croissaint Meowstic Crypto Lugia Primal Dialga Albino Appletun Albino Mega Rapidash named Celestia Seasonal Torterra Shiny Delphox Arctic Numel Siberian Purrugly Blue Moon Marcargo Gengar in Wizard Costume Albino Mismagius Bonfire Gastly Chilldoom Apocalyptic Arcanine Shiny Mega Chandelure Magquaza Hydreglitch Impyre Totem Slugdog Mega Bunbori Lunamor Sikannos Shinorin

Some of my collections, Maravol I'm still working on! It´s lots of little images with links, so I´ll put the collections on other sites here for loading purposes: